Strassoldo – A town that is a castle

The town of Strassoldo dates back to the 12th century and was the residence of the homonymous noble Germanic family. Born as a medieval village, it was further fortified until it took on the title of castle and it is located along the ancient Roman Iulia Augusta road. This was one of the most important Roman roads leading from Aquileia to what we now know as modern Austria.

Castello di Strassoldo
A road inside the town of Strassoldo

The town, remodeled several times over the centuries, has two main entrances which give access to the respective “Castello di Sopra” and “Castello di Sotto” but which basically constitute a single fortified structure.

The area where the town was built is characterized by the presence of several watercourses originating from the numerous springs. This resource has allowed the construction inside and outside of several mills, one of the valuable resources for the Middle Ages. An example is the Mulino del Bosco located in front of the Porta Cistigna, the northern entrance of the town.

Mulino del Bosco
Mulino del Bosco in front of Porta Cistigna (12th century)

At the center of the village is the church of San Nicolò, located in the main square and in front of the building which originally served as a keep. Next to it is another building whose function was a Chancellery with archive functions. A plaque on the building remembers the reconstruction carried out in 1749 following the damage incurred in 1509 at the hands of the League of Cambrai.

Plaque placed on the building of the Chancellery of Strassoldo
Plaque placed on the building of the Chancellery of Strassoldo

Strassoldo is part of the “Borghi più belli d’Italia” Association (Most Beautiful Villages in Italy)

Strassoldo is located near the Alpe Adria cycle path and is therefore easily reachable by bike from Aquileia, Grado or Palmanova.

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